Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Losing Rob :'(

this story has definitely touch my heart and soul . the author is only a teenager and yet she has produced a brilliant masterpiece . open your eyes , heart and eyes and heart and eyes and no it's your heart , your eyes - heyy! udah udah le tu.

*iklan buluh japp

Title : I Knew A Boy

One day , I met a boy . He had long hair , and he wore it down like an angel .

" My name is Rob ," he said .
" My name is Anna ," I answered , and then we smiled .

Rob was my best friend . We talked about heaven and love and coffee with just enough cream and sugar . Ours was a fairy - tale dreamland with perfect moments where we never ran out of things to say .

" Let's be hippies today ,"he said , and we donned our handkerchiefs and sunglasses , let down our hair , and talked of peace and love .

" Let's be bad ," I said , and we scowled , decked out in black , and rocked to heavy metal .

" Let's be optimistic ,"he said , and we walked around in yellow , on top of the world .

" Let's be individuals ,"he said , and we made up puzzling outfits , contemplated anarchy , and laughed . This was our favourite game .

Sometimes we sang , sometimes we ran , sometimes we talked , but mostly we laughed . We had summers of perfection and idyllic winters . We had sunshine , and we had red cheecks , and we danced in the rain. It was beautiful .

" Let's be in love ," I said , and I bit my nails and cried , afraid he wouldn't like this game . He danced .

" I love you ! " he said , and on went our fairy - tale dreamland . But my stomach was upset , and my eyes cried without me at night , and I knew that it was wrong .

" Let's break up ," I said , and he cried . And I cried for his broken heart and the way he didn't look at me anymore .

" I don't like this game ,"he said .

Then our fairy - tale dreamland disappeared , and we looked around to see where the colours had gone , and why our world was gray .

" I think it left with the love ," I said , and I cried .

" But it was just a game ," he said , laughing quietly , and remembered that there were no kisses . My heart hurt , and I cried because I didn't realise the truth .

Once , I knew a boy . Now he has forgotten our fairy - tale dreamland , and I watch him as his heart grows cold . He says that he is truly bad .

" Let's hate each other ,"he said , and I agreed . Then my stomach turned again , and I cried in the dark , and I knew it was wrong .

" Let's make up ," I said , and we pretended . Then we tried to remember our fairy - tale dreamland , but he could not find the way , and I lost him .

" Let's say I've fallen in love with someone else ,"he said , and I smiled sadly because it was no longer a game , and he would never play with me again .

" Let's move on ," I said .

I remember a boy . We once had a fairy - tale dreamland . Sometimes I still go there , looking for him , because he was lost .

" Let's be hippies today ," I call , but I get no answer .

Once , I knew a boy .

Anna Holmquist

beautiful story comes with great mind . either way or it is back to your memory lane .
moo moo MOO !


anith syazlin said...

hanisah rinduu moo moo dia ='(

Hanisah Hamzah said...

huuu. agak laa anota. rindu korang jugak

aku dr amin said...

salam ziarah blog kamu

Hanisah Hamzah said...

selamat datang =)

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